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21st Century Scholars

21st Century Scholars

Indiana started the 21st Century Scholars in 1990 to ensure that every student can afford a college education. Income-eligible 7th and 8th graders who enroll in the program and fulfill a pledge of good citizenship are guaranteed to receive up to four years of undergraduate tuition* at any participating public college or university in Indiana.

If you attend a private or an independent institution, the state will award an amount comparable to that of a public institution. If you attend a participating proprietary (private career) school, the state will award a tuition scholarship equal to that of Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana.

As a 21st Century Scholar, you can get help finding free tutoring, a mentor and a part-time job, and once you get to college, students who are 21st Century Scholars receive support to finish their college degrees.

But first you have to apply. Students and their parents must complete and return the application by June 30 of their 8th grade year. Don’t wait. Apply today by clicking here:

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